The main purpose of the methanol regeneration unit is to restore high-concentration methanol (95% mass) from the water-methanol mixture.
Methanol is mainly used fir hydrate inhibition. Its low ice formation temperature allows methanol to be used in a wide range of temperatures and pressures.
Growing methanol prices make regeneration process economically efficient even in small scale.
Rich methanol through the pre-heat heat exchanger (1) flows to the
Being heated by the stripped water from the reboiler in the heat exchanger (5) rich methanol enters regeneration tower (6).
Heat required for the regeneration process is supplied form the reboiler by direct fired heater, steam of thermo electric element. Condenser (8) provides the reflux stream
Reflux pumps (6) return methanol back to tower while the balance of the methanol stream is pumped toe the lean methanol storage.